170 Top-of-the-World Medical Research Topics In 2023

Medicine is a field that attracts fewer students as compared to other areas of study. With all the long hours needed to excel, this technical course is not everyone’s favorite. However, for the few who have chosen to tread down this path, the challenge of writing world-class medical research papers topics is real.
You don’t have to struggle any longer! We have compiled a list of interesting medical research topics written by expert writers for you or you can use do my homework service.
Table of Contents
- What Is A Medical Research Paper?
- Medical Anthropology Research Topics
- Controversial Medical Topics For Research Paper
- Medical Research Topics For College Students
- Medical Ethics Research Paper Topics
- Interesting Research Topics For Medical Students
- Medical Sociology Research Topics
- Medical Microbiology Research Topics
- Medical-Surgical Research Topics
- Current Medical Research Topics
- Research Topics in Medical Biochemistry
- Bonus Medical Research Topics
What Is A Medical Research Paper?
It is a research paper written after a study on human health to find better ways of preventing and treating diseases. Writing a high-quality medical research paper comes with its perks, including getting grants, funds, and sponsorships for your future projects.
Thus, the essence of learning the art of crafting high-quality medical research paper topics is inevitable. For starters, you can get college medical research paper topics from the following readily available sources:
- Medical books and journals
- Reputable science websites and organizations such as WHO
- Your class lecture notes
- Brainstorming with your librarian, professor, or instructor.
High impact medical research topics win the hearts of the audience even before reading the paper. Our expert writers thought it best to give you the following medical topics for research papers for your inspiration:
Medical Anthropology Research Topics
- The multidimensional and ecological perspectives of humans living with pre-existing health conditions
- How issues of healthcare systems influence society and culture
- Technological impediments in empirical research and theoretical production by medical anthropologists
- Discuss the cultural representations of illness, health, and any nursing practice in developing nations
- Evaluate some of the primary academic and intellectual debates concerning infectious diseases
- The development of medical anthropology in the international arena
- The impact of popular medicine of the 20th century on medical anthropologists
- How ethnobotanical knowledge played a significant role in understanding medical concepts in anthropology
- How the studying of rituals surrounding popular therapies helped to challenge Western psychopathological categories
- The relationship between magical practices, medicine, and religion in understanding medical anthropology
- How do genotypic and phenotypical factors affect certain forms of pathology?
- Why culture influences what a society considers to be expected, pathological, or abnormal.
- Conduct a study on the identification and description of diseases that belong to specific cultures that have not been previously described by advanced medicine
- How medical anthropologists have advanced in the understanding of social practices related to health and diseases
- The impact of implementing community health programs among ethnic and cultural minorities
Controversial Medical Topics For Research Paper
- Is the state responsible for providing free medical cover to the poor
- Should people with cancer enjoy free treatment since it is a terminal disease?
- Should patients accept coronavirus vaccines that have not been approved?
- Is it safe to use traditional medical practices in the 21st century?
- Should convicted criminals receive free treatment or pay for it?
- Should the government tax medical supplies and equipment?
- Is the coronavirus disease a scam?
- Are male nurses supposed to serve patients in female wards?
- Discuss the controversial laws and policies surrounding the field of medicine
- Is assisted suicide for willing patients ethical?
- Should victims of rape and other sexual acts be allowed to abort?
- Is surrogate pregnancy moral according to internationally accepted standards?
- Are there any religious implications of blood transfusion?
- Is it ethical to be a sperm donor?
- Is womb transplantation a better alternative to surrogate pregnancy?
Medical Research Topics For College Students
- Is it legal to use marijuana as a drug in any state?
- The impact of TV adverts on the sale of medical products
- Should there be state regulation of medical drugs?
- Who is responsible for prescribing medicine? A doctor or a nurse?
- What is the impact of daily morning jogs on a person’s health?
- How to reduce the risk of contracting cancer through healthy lifestyles
- The impact of social media on drug abuse among teenagers
- What is the impact of allowing teens to use birth control pills?
- Are elderly centers serving the elders as they ought to?
- How to regulate the uncouth massage and physiotherapy spas mushrooming
- What is the impact of importing drugs from developed nations?
- Reasons why African countries are importing COVID vaccines from the Western world
- The role of the government in championing healthy lifestyles among its citizens
- Explore why obesity is prevalent among ladies than men
- Should TV channels accept to promote alcohol and tobacco commercials considering their health impacts?
Medical Ethics Research Paper Topics
- Discuss ethical issues related to terminal diseases such as cancer
- Is it ethical for one to donate his/her organ in any form whatsoever?
- Who is responsible for problems related to organ transplantation?
- Why is cloning becoming an issue of morals versus ethics?
- How to handle discrimination in the provision of healthcare based on social status
- Do surrogate parents have the same rights to a child as biological parents?
- What are the privacy and confidentiality issues related to medicine?
- Why is discrimination against HIV & AIDS still prevalent in the 21st century?
- Is genetic engineering eroding the intended purpose of human life?
- Ethical issues related to animal research
- Do victims of euthanasia have a legal ground for their defense?
- Do humans have the privilege to choose between the right to life and the right to die
- Does healthcare present an ethical challenge on its profit motives?
- Ethics of in-vitro fertilization on reproductive technology
- Discuss ethics of genetic information confidentiality and disclosure issues
Interesting Research Topics For Medical Students
- Discuss the developments surrounding the Oregon Assisted Suicide Law
- Differences in practicing medicine in different countries
- The role of WHO in ensuring acceptable medical standards all over the world
- Is the Food and Poisons Board serving its purpose of providing a safe and healthier society?
- The role of medical colleges and universities in advancing medical research
- How coronavirus has challenged the prevailing laboratory testing kits in the USA
- Is the world ready for another global health pandemic like the coronavirus?
- Why do most states still have abortion clinics running with valid certificates?
- Cultural and societal issues that are dragging the field of medicine behind
- The impact of 5G technology on medical research and collaboration across the world
- Religious clashes and how therapy attempts to bring a middle ground
- The need for a universal healthcare program that is uniform
- Are medical insurance companies serving their purposes well?
- What are the underlying challenges of preventative medicine?
- Do medical practitioners uphold office place ethics?
Medical Sociology Research Topics
- Discuss the medicalization of society and its impact
- Evaluate the patterns of physician-patient interactions
- Is the utilization of health services to the core?
- Identify the challenge of alternative healers and alternative health practices
- Conduct a comparative study of the different health systems globally
- Emerging areas of interest in medical sociology and their social effect
- An analysis of sociological healthcare reforms
- What are the barriers to the development of new ways of treatment
- Evaluate the physical and psychological health support issues on the society
- How is the current role of the doctor changing with technological advancements?
- Health factors that affect disease spread and prevention in communities
- How globalization has impacted the health of the population
- What are the values incorporated in treating mental illness?
- How do hospitals conduct themselves as social institutions?
- The issue of the prestige of health and disease among young people
Medical Microbiology Research Topics
- Conduct a case study of probiotics and their preparation practices
- The use of biotechnology in sickle cell anemia prevention
- How to use curry and cinnamon to inhibit the growth of bacteria
- The impact of manure, fertilizers, and polythene on hypocotyl elongation
- Using daphnia to test the toxicity of marine pollutants
- The science behind coffee addiction
- Best practices of yeast reproduction in sugar substitutes
- The impact of microwave radiation on different organisms
- How does glucose affect the longevity of cut flowers?
- The role of music on bacteria growth and development
- Identify and discuss the cheese that grows mold the fastest
- How to use garden mulch in making a bug zoo
- The process of isolating Staphylococcus aureus from raw and pasteurized milk
- Does garlic fit in the category of antibacterial?
- How bacteria grow in varying acidic environments
Medical-Surgical Research Topics
- Why nurses in surgical units are victims of moral distress
- The satisfaction of patients in surgical care units
- The effects of organizational management on patient satisfaction in surgical units
- The response time and ability of medical-surgical nurses
- Discuss the role of nurses in surgical units
- Why critical thinking is critical in medical-surgical nursing
- The science of pain assessment and management in surgical wards
- The impact of technology in contemporary surgical nursing
- Why surgeons should undergo a debrief after a surgery
- The role of the psychological department in surgical units
- How to ensure a faster recovery process for post-operative patients
- Pre-operative preparations during surgical admissions to reduce hospital length of stay among surgical patients
- The impact of society on post-surgery care
- Are surgeons the highest-paid among medical practitioners?
- Why more men than women are pursuing medical surgery as a profession
Current Medical Research Topics
- The dangers of the digital age on healthcare
- How telemedicine is impacting the field of medicine
- How senior citizens can live healthily and avoid contracting lifestyle diseases
- Role school nurses in caring for students with terminal diseases
- Barriers towards smoking cessation
- The role of sports and healthy eating
- How do videogames affect the health of youth
- Mental disorders among people in quarantine facilities
- Why youth are susceptible to obesity
- Causes of inactivity among teenagers
- The role of parents in maintaining a healthy lifestyle for their children
- Health education strategies used in social media
- Is the collaboration of private health facilities affecting public health facilities?
- Innovations in the field of clinical cardiology
- Is an online nursing program effective for a competent health practitioner?
Research Topics in Medical Biochemistry
- Describe the CV imaging process
- Effects of home-based health care systems
- Assessment and management of bladder cancer
- Evaluate ion mobility in mass spectrometry
- Results of selective plane illumination microscopy
- Effective tissue clearing techniques for optical microscopy
- How to quantify proteins in organisms
- The reactions and the basic structure of phosphates
- Discuss the fatty-acid catabolism
- Technological advances in genome editing
- How to predict contact residues
- Analyze a controlled mixed fermentation
- Effects of producing ethanol from lignocellulose waste materials
- Medical features of acute copper Sulphate poisoning
- Using biotechnology to produce vaccines
- How mapping the human genome helps prevent diseases
- Discuss cellular and molecular dissection procedures
- How to use rational protein engineering
- Complex biochemical compounds in DNA mapping
- Cellular thermal stability assay for drug target identification
Bonus Medical Research Topics
- Bioterrorism and disaster medical practices
- Prevention of breast cancer
- Discuss what constitutes medical malpractice
- How to deal with trauma as a medical practitioner
- Basic wound management practices everyone should know
- Dealing with joint disorders
- Kidney and pancreas transplantation
- Impact of mechanical ventilation
- Discuss bone and mineral disorders
- Post management practices of brain surgery
- Evaluate practices in cosmetic dermatology
- The role of electronic health records
- Emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases
- Dealing with sleep disorders
- Health practices in women’s sexual health
Did you find some of the controversial medical research topics you were looking for in this post? If not, our professional research paper writers are here for you.
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How do I choose a topic for medical research?
Here are simple ways to choose a topic for medical research: start by finding a topic that interests you, consider the current issues happening, try to find some research gaps, and discuss with your professor. If you still feel stranded, ask experts to help you develop a winning topic online.
What is an example of a research question in medicine?
Examples of research questions in medicine are;
- Does administering pain medication at the time of surgery reduce the need for medication 24 hours after the surgery?
- What legal responsibility does the hospital administration have?
- What are the benefits of the national health care systems?
- Do the elderly who have dementia experience pain?