Learn How to Write a Counter Argument the Right Way

If you are reading this article, it means you want to learn how to write a counter argument. In most cases, when students get this kind of assignment, this is the question that pops up in their mind: What’s a counter argument? Don’t worry about it too much though; we are here to help you with all the information and guidance you need.
If you don’t know how to write a counter argument, we will tell you everything about it, show you the best transition words, tell you where you can get some great examples from, and even give you a guide. If you need an entire counter argument essay example, you should get in touch with our excellent academic writers. They can help you with one straight away.
Table of Contents
So, What Is a Counter Argument?
Let’s start with the beginning. What is a counter argument? Basically, the counter-argument is an argument that opposes your thesis. It is the point of view of a person who does not agree with your position or ideas. In academia, a widely used counter argument synonym is “rebuttal”. This is the counter argument definition, but you are surely interested in learning why you should counter your own arguments. After all, isn’t your paper all about supporting the thesis? While this may be true, it is also true that the counter argument is a very powerful tool – if used correctly. Here are just 4 of the most important aspects of using counter arguments correctly:
- A perfectly written counter argument enables you to respond to a potential objection before the reader even has the chance to raise it.
- The counter argument shows your readers that you have taken the time to consider both sides of the issue.
- It is also a great way to test your ideas while working on the draft.
- It is a disarming tactic that works great when deployed correctly. Counter arguments are an important part of persuasive writing.
Don’t Know How to Write a Counter Argument?
If you are relatively new to academic writing, you probably don’t know how to write counter argument sections. You shouldn’t be too worried. Learning how to write these is not as difficult as you think. You just need to get a few good examples and a reliable guide. Because we are here to help students in any way we can, you will find both these resources further down the page. We will help you learn how to write the best counter argument paragraph in no time. Read on!
Get a Great Counter Argument Example
The very first thing you need is a great counter argument example. Why? Because learning by example is the fastest and easiest way to learn about counter arguments. However, you should be aware that good counter argument examples can be tricky to find. You shouldn’t rely on various websites you find online because most of their examples are poorly written. You might have found these websites while searching for a counter argument example essay, so you probably already know that you shouldn’t use them.
Because your professor probably doesn’t have time to give you examples and because all your classmates are too busy working on their own papers, you should rely on us for help. All you have to do is get in touch with our experts and request a few examples. The main benefit of getting examples from us is the fact that the samples will be written just for you. This means you will get 100% original academic content that you can use in your own essay. Great!
Best Counter Argument Transition Words
If you want to try to write your very first counter argument, you should learn about counter argument transition words. It may not sound like a very important part of the counterargument, but we can assure you that the words you choose really do make a difference. Your professor will surely notice it. Here are some of the most popular – and powerful – counter argument transitions that you should use in your own writing:
- On the other hand
- On the contrary
- Although this may be true
- Then again
- Rather than
- Notwithstanding
- Rather
- In reality
- This may be true, however
- Does not change the fact that
- Misses the key point that
- Yet
- Although
- Argue that
These counter argument sentence starters should be more than enough to get you started. Of course, there are many more possible transitions – depending on how you structure your counter argument. Now, let’s learn a bit more about the counter argument paragraph outline.
Learn How to Write a Counter Argument Quickly
If you don’t know how to write a counter argument yet, we will show you how to do an excellent job in the next two minutes. First, you should understand the basic structure of a counter argument. It has two major parts: the turn against and the turn back.
In the turn against part, you will basically turn against your own argument. In other words, you will discuss an opposing point of view. To do this, you need to find a major problem with your demonstration or idea, a major disadvantage or another idea that makes more sense. If you were wondering how to introduce a counter argument, this is how: start with the turn against. Here are 3 ideas that should get you started:
- It is true that (opposing idea)
- But what about (opposing argument)
- Of course, the (opposing argument)
After you begin the turn against, you should support the opposing argument with strong facts and evidence. Yes, we really mean it: you must support the argument as forcefully as you can.
The next part of your counter argument is the turn back. This is the part where you return to your argument and refute the opposing point of view. Here is an example of a turn back:
However, taking into consideration studies #1, 2 and 3, this approach is not supported by any pertinent data. As such, it should not even be considered.
Counter Arguments: Tips and Tricks
Now that you know how to start a counter argument sentence and know plenty of counter argument words, it’s time to improve your writing with a few tips and tricks:
Where should you put a counter argument? To be honest, you can put this piece of persuasive writing anywhere in your paper. It works great in the introduction, as well as in body paragraphs. However, you should avoid putting it in the conclusion because it most often introduces new information that has not been discussed in your paper.
- How to start a counter argument in the introduction? If you want to use the counter argument in your introduction, you should do it before you state the thesis. Use this section to explain the reason your paper needs to be written (in other words, explain your thesis).
- Don’t overdo it! You can use a few counter arguments, especially in long papers. However, using too many will divert the attention of your reader from the main idea you are discussing.
- The best way to find counter argument ideas is to think what an intelligent person may disagree with in your paper.
- Don’t forget to use counter argument starters. The way you write the counter argument matters.
Need More Writing Help?
Whether you need to write a counter argument essay or just want to learn more about how to start counter argument, we are your best option. Our writers have a deep understanding of the counter argument meaning and of its many uses. Not only can we help you structure your persuasive writing sections better, we can also help you find the best places to insert counter arguments. Get some help with your paper from our seasoned ENL writers and get an A+ tomorrow!
What is an example of a counter-argument?
A good counter-argument is animal testing for health and beauty products is not justifiable. When writing a counter-argument, remember that it should refute another argument that most people claim. In the example above, most people claim that testing on animals is justifiable. Use your essay to show why this statement is wrong in this example.
What is an excellent counter-argument sentence?
Examples of good counter-argument sentences are:
- While it is true that you can use guns to protect yourself from intruders, it also has the potential for misuse.
- While some argue that media helps connect people, it is also important to remember that it can limit privacy and spread misinformation.
How do you start a counter-argument paragraph topic sentence?
The best way to start a counter-argument paragraph topic is by acknowledging that some points differ from yours, introducing the refuting issues, presenting your facts, and giving evidence as examples. Communicating your stand from the word go is essential to avoid confusing your audience.