125 Best Gender Research Topics To Learn And Write About

Gender is used to identify the two sexes (male and female) based on their characteristic traits, behaviors, and roles. Gender studies is an academic field that focuses on the complex questions that may arise in one’s mind related to the interaction of gender.
This interdisciplinary study also covers how both genders are affected by different races, ethnicities, religions, sexuality, and nations.
Gender studies help the students understand the significant contribution of the genders in economic, social, and political affairs.
Great reading and writing skills for college homework help or make them logical thinkers who can work on improving people’s lives. If your interest has already convinced you to opt for a major in this field, then your passion will open doors to success for you.
A research paper requires in-depth knowledge of the topic before you start. To attain a good grade in your thesis, you need to start by choosing an engaging topic to catch the reader’s attention. A good topic will be a starting point for your thesis and will help you provide direction to move forward. Impress your teachers through your thesis research by following the steps to choose a good research topic.
Table of Contents
- Steps For Choosing the Best Research Topic
- Gender Research Topics
- Gender Issues Topics for Research Paper
- Gender Inequality Research Questions
- Controversial Gender Topics
- Gender Debate Topics
- Interesting Gender Topics
- Sex and Gender Topics
- Gender Roles Essay Topics
- Research Questions on Gender Inequality
- Gender Equality Research Questions
- Gender Equality Topics
Steps For Choosing the Best Research Topic:
Before going into the list, it’s important to consider what you are looking for in a topic. It is definitely encouraged to pick a topic which you are interested in or at least curious about, so the research comes easier to you or for do my online exam for me. Check out these steps below on how to narrow down and pick a topic:
- Brainstorming and Selection. Start by making a brainstorming session and list all the possible choices you can think of for your gender essay topics. Follow the latest trends and news to find out what will intrigue the audience the most. Some topics may even be controversial, but you can list them down to analyze them later. Most importantly, choose the topic that interests you so that the whole process seems fun. Choose the case that you think is the most suitable out of the list.
- Be Specific and Research. Narrow down your topic so that you know the direction to move forward. Be specific and original about your topic so that your thesis is interesting to the audience. Do thorough research for the topic that you intend to write about. Stream through the internet, newspaper, and books to get the latest insights for your topic. Choose the topic wisely to craft an informative thesis for your program.
- Define Your Topic as a Question. Once you have chosen the topic, define it as a question. Defining the topic as a question will make it easier for you to research the topic. The topic will also help you realize the answers you are looking for.
Discover impeccable and great gender studies research topics to learn and study about in the following list. Our topics are widespread, so feel free to use them as is or adjust to your own liking. Scoring high on your dissertation hasn’t been easier!
Gender Research Topics:
- Roles of Gender in the Perception of Cultural Otherness
- What role does Gender play in Medicine, Technology, and Science
- What are the Various Forms of Gender Violence?
- How does the Culture Influence the Body’s Self-Image?
- How does the representation of the body change with time?
- What is Intersectionality?
- The Materialization of the YouTube Beauty Community in Reality
- A Feminist Scientific Exploration of Stress and Eating Pathology in Transgender Adolescents
- Mirror, Mirror, On The Wall, Why Can’t I See Myself At All?: A Close Reading of Children’s Picture Books promoting Gender Expansive Children of Color.
Gender Issues Topics for Research Paper
- Playing With Power: Kink, Desire, and Race
- “The Cruelest of All Pains”: Giving Birth, Compassion, and the Female Body in Margery Kempe’s book
- How being a minority Impacts Mental Health: The Minority Stress Model
- Advocating for Reproductive Health Rights and sexuality in the Industrial Complex
- Science, Sex, and Politics in the Sociobiology Debate
- Yes, No, Maybe: Politics of Consent for Compulsory Sex-Positivity
- “How to Survive a Plague”: Mark Doty’s Poetry in navigating AIDS
- Role of women in the development of the world economy
- Emotional Differences Between Men and Women
- Comparing Theories of Gender Development
- Implication and Effects of Gender Discrimination On Human Brain
- Analyzing The Patriarchal Attitudes and Stereotypes In Family Relationships
Gender Inequality Research Questions
- What is Gender Discrimination and Sexism?
- What Obstacles make it Difficult for girls To Acquire Quality Education in African and Asian countries?
- How Gender Discrimination Takes Place In Sports?
- Can Technology Help In Reducing Sex Discrimination?
- Why are Fewer Women in STEM?
- The toys segregation and sex education: shall it be different for boys and girls?
- Are Women the Weaker Sex?
- How to Teach Boys and Girls That They Have Equal Rights?
- What Are The Causes For Gender-Based Violence In Different Countries?
- What Is The Role Of Feminism In Strengthening Social Relationships Between Men and Women?
Controversial Gender Topics
- The Pornographer’s Tools: An Artistic and Critical Response to the Pornography of Anaïs Nin and Georges Bataille
- Plaintiffs’ Role in Restore Legal Arguments for Same-Sex Marriage
- On the Surface: Understanding Gender Subjectivity For the Lesbian Culture
- Somewhere Over the Rainbow Nation: The Agitation of the Lesbian and Gay Movement and the Countermovement for its Response in South Africa
- Family Issues because of Gender
- The In viability of Balance: Portraying Female Political Candidacy
- Beyond Victim-Blaming: Tactics of Rape Response through Different Narratives
- How Sex Roles Affect The Society?
- How Is Straight Marriage Affected By Gay Marriage
Gender Debate Topics
- “Gay, Straight, or Lying?”: Cultural Silencing of Male Bisexuality in the world
- “I had never seen a beautiful woman with just one breast”: Norms of Femininity in Breast Cancer Narratives
- Are You Sisters?: Sisterhood, Motherhood, and the Impossible Black Lesbian issue
- Stop Being Polite & Start Getting “Real”: Examining Madonna & Black Culture Appropriation in the MTV Generation
- Sexing the Gender Dysphoric Body: A Developmental Examination of Gender Identity Disorder of Childhood
- Taking Care: Medical Care, Stereotypes and HIV+ Women
- Laws For Gender Discrimination All Over The World
- Sexual Harassment faced by the Gender
- Problems Faced By The Modern Feminism
- Why are Women Given Inferior Roles in Relationships?
- From “Ultimate Females” to “Being Me”: Uncovering Intersex Experiences and Perspectives
- Defining Our Lives: The Gendered, Racial and Postcolonial Experience of Black Women in the World
- How Does It Feel To Be A Transgender?
Interesting Gender Topics
- ACT UP New York: Art, Activism and the AIDS Crisis, 1987-1993
- Breaching the Subject of Birth: An Analysis of Women’s Perceptions of Various Birthing Methods
- Mommy, Where Do Babies Come From? Egg Donation and Popular Constructions of Authentic Motherhood
- SILENT DEATH: Portraying “The AIDS Epidemic” 1981-1990
- May Our Daughters Return Home: Transnational Organizing to Halt Femicide in Ciudad Juarez
- Attitudes, Beliefs, and Behavior Towards Gays and Lesbians
- What is “normal” about the menstrual cycle?
- The conception of Gender in Artificial Intelligence
- Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds, and Healthy Lives: Incentive to Improve Women’s Health and the Politics of Science
- What does Masculinity teach feminists?
- Importance of Maternal and Paternal Leaves For The Baby
- The History Of Gender
- Role of gender diversity in Scientific Discovery and Innovation
- Understanding and Analyzing the Success of Greatest Diva Madonna
- Health Risks Experienced By Women Due To Bleached Tampons
- Do Mothers face The Mommy Wars?: An Analysis of the Media’s Claims About the Mommy Wars and the Mothers Who are Supposedly Involved In Them
Sex and Gender Topics
- Redefining Survival: Statistics and the height of Uncertainty at the peak of the AIDS Epidemic
- Silent Families and Invisible Sex: Christian Nationalism and the 2004 Texas Sex Education Battle
- Relying on the Professionals: The Hidden Motives of Feminist Health Activists, Tampon Manufacturers, and the Medical Community in the American Shock Epidemic from 1978- 1982
- Redefining Prostitution: Trans Sex Work and the Accounts of Feminist Theories
- Tugging at the Seams: Analysis of Women Resistance in Pornography
- Facing the Screen: Portraying Female Body Image on Webpages for Teenagers
- Sex, Bodies, and Mothers: Sex Workers Voicing their concerns
- The Hymeneal Seal: Importance of Female Virginity in Early Modern England
- Reality and Myths Underlying Male body
- The Exercise of Power and How it is Reproduced?
- Is sexual preference genetic, personal choice, both, or none?
- Gender and Power: Female and Male Bosses
- The Causes of Gender Imbalance In India and China
- Concept of Gender and Sexual Revolution
- Role of Schools in Teaching Children Appropriate Behaviors for their sex
- What Can Be Done To Make This World A Safe Place For Women
- Women and Sex Trafficking
- Sex Equity and Academic Careers
- Role Of Sex and Culture in Advertisements
- Should Prostitution Be Made Legal
- How Does Media Break Sex-Role Stereotypes
- “The Cost Of Making Money”: Discovering The Causes For College Girls To Work As Strippers
- Gender Discrimination In The Classrooms
Gender Roles Essay Topics
- Bread Winners or Bread Makers? Everyday Challenges for Working Women
- Power to the People! Or Not: Addressing the Decrease in Women’s Formal and Informal Political Participation in the world.
- Beauty and Brains: Effects of Stereotypical Portraits of Women on Implied Cognition
- Perilous Motherhood or Promising Monsters: The Social Construction of 20th Century Multiple Births
- Suit Her Up; She’s Ready to Play: How the Professional Woman Tackle Social Binaries
- Increased participation of Women in Science, Medicine, and Technology
- Stereotype gender roles: Does it need them now?
- Sports, Women and Media Institutions
- Comparing Roles Of Men and Women in Military
- Feminism And Transgender Theory
- Role Of Beauty Pageants In Women Empowerment
- “I Don’t Want to Grow Up – If It’s Like That”: Carson McCullers’s account of Female Adolescence and Maturity.
- Are Women Much Better In Communicating?
- Pros and Cons Of Being A Feminist
- “The Woman Who Speaks”: Raising Your Voice as a Young Urban Female Leader
Research Questions on Gender Inequality
- She Let It Happen: Analyzing Rape Myth Acceptance in Women
- Between Nation and World: Voice Against Domestic Violence in China
- My Rights Don’t Come to Me Easy: Identity Negotiation by Palestinian Women
- Tongues Untied: Stories of Working-Class Women
- Is Physiological Difference Between the Gender Causes for The Gender Inequality?
- Gender Discrimination faced by Women In Sports
Gender Equality Research Questions
- Why should parents invest in girls’ education?
- What Are The Aspects Of Sex Discrimination?
- What Factors Cause Inequality at Workplace?
- What Are The Causes For Gender Discrimination in Developing Countries?
- How Does Gender Misconceptions Affect Behavior?
- What Roles Do The Movies Play In Defying Gender Stereotypes?
- Is Education A Solution To Solve Inequality Between The Sexes?
Gender Equality Topics
- Female Childhoods and their Trauma due to Nationalist Subjectivity
- Out of Love: The Permissibility of Abuse in Love
- “What Can a Woman Do?”: Youth, Gender and Citizenship at Women Colleges in World War I
- What Steps Should Be Taken By Parents To Achieve Gender Parity
- Lack Of Women Having Leadership Roles
- Witnessing Memory’: Narrating the Truth of Refugee and Immigrant Women
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What is the best topic for gender?
The best gender topic to use is the one that will intrigue the audience. Take your time researching to ensure you get a topic that will capture the readers’ attention. You also need to choose a topic that interests you and one that you will have fun reading.
What are the topics studied in gender studies?
Some topics studied in gender studies include the Psychology of Gender, Women, and Gender in Islamic Societies, Women and American Region, Gender Equality, Gender Discrimination in the workplace, Gender Dynamics in Development, Gender Bias in Education, Islamic Family Law, Women Writers of the African Diaspora.
What are good research questions about gender?
Here is a look at some of the research questions about gender. The role of gender in Medicine, Technology and Science, How does culture influence the Body’s Self-Image? What is Intersectionality? What is the role of women in developing the world economy, and What is gender discrimination?