169 Wonderful LGBT Research Paper Topics To Read

As the globe puts more focus on equality, sustainability, and human rights, one area that has remained a hot-button issue is LGBT. However, many are those who rarely understand LGBT, actors and the associated issues. As a result, writing LGBT papers and essays has also become an uphill task for most students, with most of them getting stuck with selecting quality titles to work on.
If you are stuck with your transgender papers, we can help. We have professionals who understand the subject well and are willing to assist you to craft the best papers you can use do my homework service. To begin with, you need to pick the preferred title, and we have listed the best LGBT research paper topics you can count on for top grades.
Table of Contents
- Top LGBT Research Topics
- LGBT Discussion Questions for Learners
- Transgender Research Paper Topics
- LGBT Group Discussion Topics
- Extended LGBT Research Topics
- Easy LGBT Topics for Research Papers
- Leading LGBT Thesis topics
- LGBT Writing Prompts for College Students
- Excellent LGBT Project Ideas
- Controversial Human Sexuality Topics
Top LGBT Research Topics
Do not just pick any topic for your LGBT paper. Select the best LGBT essay topics below for better grades.
- Explore the main differences between transgender and non-binary identity.
- A closer look at the history of LGBT in the globe.
- New LGBT patterns: How is the world conforming to the new patterns?
- A closer look at LGBT communities’ views about religion.
- Name-calling procedures relevant to transgender.
- Discuss one prominent pioneer for the LGBT community.
- A history of LGBT society on the globe.
- Gay parenting: What are the implications on children?
- Issues unique to bisexual communities.
- Same-sex marriage: Is it a crime?
- At what point was bisexuality considered a form of identity?
- A closer look at the fading traditional gender roles in society.
- The latest reproductive technologies and its benefits.
- Common adjustments made to incorporate LGBT in workplaces.
- LGBT as a new global trend: Discuss.
- Poverty: How does it impact the LBGT community?
- New LGBT elements that have been introduced into the religion today.
- How are transgender communities treated in schools?
- Identify and review one film about LGBT.
- Comparing LGBTQA climate in the US and Europe.
LGBT Discussion Questions for Learners
The following lesbian and gay rights research paper topics can help you dig more about this community and its struggles in society.
- What is the biggest barrier to LGBT community member’s health?
- Do LGBT communities meet the standards for our society?
- What is the influence of social media on the LGBT fraternity around the globe?
- What expression is given by the media about LGBT?
- What are the main differences between sex and gender?
- Bullying of LGBT persons: Are there enough mitigation installed to check the problem?
- Is it possible to cure homosexuality?
- What is LGBTQA Climate in South America?
- What are the common strategies used to market LGBT and attract new members?
- Are the schools of today diverse enough to include transgender learners?
- Public opinion on LGBT: Does it have implication?
- Can the African-American fight for civil rights be equated to that of LGBT?
- Homosexuality: What impact does it have on society?
- Bullying in high school: How does it impact LGBT students?
- Police brutality against transgender: What actions are taken against such actions?
- What is the difference between gay and lesbian parenting?
- How well do hospitals treat LBGT communities? A case study of Texas hospitals.
- Homophobic name-calling: Who engages in gender bullying?
- Impact of cultural norms on transgender history?
- What are the common themes of LGBT in the bible?
- Do we have reproductive technologies for facilitating LGBT?
- Asexuality: What are its shortcomings?
- What are the main issues affecting LGBT in society today?
- What is the future of LGBT in society?
- Comparing the training offered in transgender and conventional schools: What are the differences?
Transgender Research Paper Topics
Many transgender issues can be really controversial and enjoyable to write about. So, here are some great transgender research topics to consider:
- Analyze the biological perspective for transgender in the US.
- Simulated pregnancy: What are the main dynamics?
- A comprehensive review of India’s 2014 Rights of Transgender Persons Bill.
- The history of transgender persons in India.
- A history of transgender communities in Germany.
- Is it possible for transgender persons to be religious?
- Sex reassignment surgery on transgender.
- Abnormalities within transgender.
- Are gays and lesbians accepted in the military?
- A review of the best practices towards transgender communities in society.
- Sex hormone treatment: Is it effective?
- Discuss one transgender personality involved in international sports.
- What do the colors in the transgender flag represent?
LGBT Group Discussion Topics
If you have a group discussion on LGBT, here are some awesome LGBT discussion topics:
- Comparing homosexuals to heterosexuals.
- Rising suicidal tendencies among the LGBT community members: What are the main causes?
- Evaluate the new meaning of the term “family” in relation to LGBT communities.
- Emerging research proves that LGBT is behavioral and not a medical issue: What policy recommendations do you propose to protect LGBT persons?
- The society is still living in the traditional norms. As LGBT communities emerge, what are the chances that society will adapt?
- Do the new man-man and woman-woman relationship in LGBT communities follow the old culture of the man-woman role?
- Emerging gay cultures: A closer look at life without female.
- Identifying political movements across the globe promoting transgender rights.
- Intensified campaigns on the rights of LGBT are required to ensure that everyone is treated with dignity. What do you think are the missing links to achieve the objective?
- Crime against minority groups in the society: Comparing the crime rates against LGBT communities in Asia and Europe.
- Imagining a world of LGBT communities alone.
Extended LGBT Research Topics
You might also want to consider the following hot topics to extend your knowledge on LGBT and related issues:
- Androgens and estrogens: What roles do they play in sexual differentiation?
- Bathroom Bill: How does it impact transgender communities?
- Transgender persons in the community: What gender roles should they associate with?
- Tri-gender: A deeper look.
- Trans-misogyny: What is its implication on LGBT communities?
- What are the main causes of trans-sexuality in a person?
- A closer look at trans-vestism.
- LGBT persons: Can they be selected to hold offices in religious organizations?
- Are there LGBT-specific diseases or conditions?
- How to talk to kids about LGBT.
- Analyzing injustices against LGBT youths in the US prisons?
- LGBT members: What are the dangers of hiding your identity?
- LGBTQ themes in contemporary literature.
- How should LGBT families be represented in the media?
- Using language to empower LGBT communities.
Easy LGBT Topics for Research Papers
Although many LGBT titles can be pretty challenging, here are some 18 easy LGBT topics for research papers ideas.
- Comparing LGBT communities in developing and developed countries.
- Analyzing the life of a person exiting the LGBT community.
- Drug abuse and addiction levels among LGBT communities.
- Comparing drug addiction rates between LGBT communities in California, USA and Mumbai, India.
- How many LGBT schools are there on the globe? Do they follow the same curriculum with standard schools?
- Classification errors on transgender minority youths in Europe.
- How do LGBT communities and organizations align to political parties in the US?
- Gay opposition: How do gays face it?
- Identifying the main school gender identity systems.
- Stigma among LGBT community members: What are the implications?
- Top five policy suggestions to improve LGBT community safety.
- Is the support for same sex marriage the same as that for heterosexuals? Discuss.
- Do LGBT interact, marry, and work with heterosexuals?
- LGBT communities and the urban transformation.
- LGBTQA marches: Do they get the targeted effects?
- How are LGBT members treated in social interactions?
- Marriage of LGBT persons to heterosexuals for acceptance in the society: What are the implications?
- At what age should we start telling children about LGBT?
Leading LGBT Thesis topics
If you want to prepare a great thesis to impress the thesis committee, start by picking the leading titles, such as the following lesbian and gay topics:
- Key misrepresentations about gays and lesbians in literature.
- Depression among LGBT in the society.
- Gay persecution: A case study of Third Reich.
- A comprehensive analysis of sexual orientation and school discipline.
- Gender dysphoria: A closer look at hormonal intervention.
- Transgender rights in Asia today.
- At what age do most people join LGBT?
- Divorce among same-sex marriages.
- The LGBT population in the globe: Comparing the numbers in the US and India.
- The main challenges facing LGBT persons in courts.
- The effect of LGBT isolation in the society.
- Depression rates among LGBT: What is the current situation in Europe?
- A review of laws affecting LGBT in the UK.
- Human research on LBGT: Has it made a positive or negative contribution?
- LGBT-related violence on the globe.
- A deeper look at the third gender roles.
- Workplace discrimination.
- How do lesbian and gays interact?
- Challenges in identifying sexual orientation.
- Developing LGBT-only health facilities or integrating same-sex persons to the existing facilities: Which is the better option?
- LGBT trainers in schools and colleges: A closer look at the emerging legal protections.
- Unique challenges for researchers working on LGBT projects.
LGBT Writing Prompts for College Students
If you are a college student and want to craft a great LGBT paper, here are some excellent ideas:
- Cloth brands in favor of gays and lesbians: Do you think they can work in promoting acceptance of LGBGT into society?
- Gay persons in the society: Are they more prone to HIV and STIs compared to heterosexuals?
- Discuss the livelihood of gays in the Muslim community.
- Can a person be gay from birth?
- Discuss five main societal issues facing the lesbian community in the UK.
- Are there transgender prisons in the UK?
- The history of gay community in France.
- LGBT as an emerging global trend?
- What are the effects of television ads on the acceptance of the LGBT community on the globe?
Excellent LGBT Project Ideas
Check out these excellent ideas for your project on LGBT.
- Prepare a presentation of a person coming out of the LGBT community.
- Designing a gay-lesbian magazine: what items should you include?
- Analyze and compare the objectives of two LGBT communities in a country of your choice.
- Access to mental health for LGBT communities: What are the missing links?
- Ten ways to be a LGBT supporter without joining their membership.
- Family planning for gay and lesbian communities.
- Reimagining the United States with an LGBT president: What should we expect in such a situation?
- Prepare an education blog on what transgender, gays and lesbian life entails.
- LGBT community access to emergency services: Is it satisfactory?
- A review of digital rights for gay and lesbians in the society.
- A life review of two media personalities who have come out about their gay or lesbian status.
- Sociological perspectives on same sex marriage in a country of your choice.
- Should gay marriages be legalized? Gather and present views from top personalities in your society.
- LGBT grants: Do you think it is a better idea?
- Gay Liberation Front: Explore its history.
- Gay in eastern culture: A review of the top representatives in the 20th century.
- Will there be a time when heterosexuals and LGBT communities coexist peacefully? Personal thoughts.
Controversial Human Sexuality Topics
The controversial topics about LGBT are some of the hottest subjects out there. So, here are some ideas to help you explore the deeper.
- LGBTQ is a possible indicator of gender identity disorder in a person.
- Analyzing the main healthy sexual development components.
- Exploring the best practices that parents can use to foster healthy sexual behavior in their kids.
- Bisexuality as a form of identity in the society.
- Why is the global society too slow to fight for the rights of LGBT?
- LGBT in the military: What is the take of the US military?
- People’s right against discrimination based on their sexual orientation: Comparing the protection of different LGBT communities in the US.
- What role do lesbians play in modern feminist movements?
- Decay in society is mainly caused by the rising number of same-sex marriages.
- What are the female perspectives on mam-man marriage?
- Would you allow an LGBT teacher to train your kid in school? Outline the common fears.
- Is it possible to fully overcome the bullying of LGBT communities in society?
- Suggestion for new technologies to advance LGBT ideals to the society.
- Domestic violence is a major cause of the growing number of LBGT members in society.
- The main controversies about same sex marriages.
- Should LGBT education be entrenched in schools to reduce cases of bullying?
- Businesses should not discriminate against LGBT members: Here are the main benefits of working with them.
- Stonewall riots of 1969: Was it the most crucial event in the fight for the LGBT community?
- LGBT families are naturally immoral.
Seek Online Writing Help from Experts
Have you picked the perfect gay, lesbian, or transgender research questions or topics for your papers? That is only the first phase. The next one requires you to get deeper into the topic through research and prepare the paper professionally. If you find this challenging, maybe because of lack of enough time or complexity of the topic, the best way out is to work with our professional research paper writers or you can use online exam helper. Our services are also cheap, and we guarantee well-researched papers for top grades.
What are the possible topics for LGBTQ?
Examples of possible topics for LGBTQ are: Is it a crime to support same-sex marriage?; A look at the most significant damage to LGBTQ community members’ health; What is the future of LGBTQ in societ;, Homosexuality from a Christian point of view; Gay marriages and ethical theories. These topics should discuss specific issues that the LGBTQ communities deal with.
Why is LGBTQ research important?
Doing LGBTQ research is essential as it helps the students reflect better on their lives and relationships with other people. Additionally, it helps to promote acceptance and understanding of people of diverse sexual orientations or gender identities.
What is the hypothesis for LGBT?
The hypothesis for LGBT can be a statement that is proposed and tested through empirical data. The hypothesis aims to help guide research on the essential or pressing matter that the LGBT community is facing. However, the data could be supported or refuted after testing a hypothesis.