How To Cheat On Proctorio | Tips To Get Your Best Points

You’re reading this article because you’re eager to know how to cheat on proctorio. Students from different learning institutions have criticized this software for varied reasons. For instance, some learners argue that proctorio has difficulties interpreting the activities of dark-skinned students on the screen. Also, proctorio requires a lot of bandwidth, and low-income students can’t afford it.
But proctorio became popular among educational institutions when the COVID-19 pandemic hit the world. Many colleges and universities turned to remote learning and remote test-taking. Nevertheless, the primary issue that many institutions face now is ensuring that students don’t cheat when taking exams. In some cases, learning institutions hire humans to monitor learners during an exam via video calls. But, some institutions use software designed to catch cheating students algorithmically by observing their actions. Proctorio is an example of an anti-cheat platform that enables a learning institution to monitor students during a test.
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What is Proctorio?
Proctorio is an online remote proctoring service that some learning institutions use when learners take exams and quizzes on a blackboard. This software can record the screen, webcam, and other actions during an exam and share the details with the instructor. The proctoring service integrates with canvas while working with the Chrome web browser to monitor the test taker for suspicious activity.
What Does Proctorio Do?
A student requires a Google Chrome web browser to use proctorio. If a computer has this browser, the learner can install and use the Proctorio extension.
This software is active whenever the learner logs into the exam and inactive when they log out. When doing an exam, the proctorio uses computers to capture the learner’s movements and convey their video and other details to the instructor for review. Proctorio flags any activity that the instructor doesn’t allow. Upon reception, the instructor will review the data and video to determine the necessary action to take.
How Does Proctorio Work?
As hinted, proctorio works within the web browser when taking an exam on a blackboard. This proctoring system ensures fairness of grades and exams to ensure academic integrity. Learning institutions use this software in fully online courses and on-campus courses for test proctoring.
Proctorio works with software, not humans, to monitor test takers for different behaviors while reporting to the instructor.
Some of the behaviors that proctorio monitors include:
- Video and audio recording
- Screen activity
- Navigation
Test characteristics vary, and they depend on the exam settings that the instructor selects. Essentially, the proctorio software doesn’t have an individual to watch the students live. Instead, it flags suspicious behavior in a report for the instructor or faculty’s review.
How Does Proctorio Detect Cheating?
Proctorio replaces humans in a room, monitoring the students during an exam. It detects more than 20 behaviors and prepares a report for review by the professor.
Here are the behaviors that proctorio monitors to detect cheating.
- It records the student’s photo and voice
- It records from the microphone
- It tracks the learner’s IP address
- It scans the testing location and mouse location
- It notes the running applications
- It documents the permitted sites that the student access during the exam session
- It records the screen
- Proctorio records the open browser tabs and windows
- It records the mouth, head, and eye movements
- It takes a video of the laptop or computer webcam
The ability to scan and record the exam environment and the computer makes proctorio cheating difficult for most learners. Nevertheless, understanding how this software works and what it can flag helps you cheat during a proctored exam.
What Does Remotely Proctored Mean Proctorio?
Being remotely proctored means a student can take an exam from a remote location, with the instructor monitoring them to ensure the integrity of the assessment. Proctorio is a system that requires the learner to confirm their identity while it monitors them through a video for suspicious behaviors that may indicate cheating.
Perhaps, what’s in your mind now is, does proctorio record you? And the answer is yes. This software uses your computer webcam to confirm your identity. That’s why you can’t ask somebody else to take your exam.
And, does proctorio record your screen? Again, yes. This software takes screenshots of the computer that a student uses to do an exam. That means it will detect if you have other sites, browser tabs, and windows open when doing an exam.
Maybe you now think the only option is to use a virtual machine to cheat proctorio. So, can proctorio detect virtual machine? Well, this is one of the tricks that students use to cheat during proctored exams. Nevertheless, using a virtual machine requires skills and preparation to cheat this software.
What Does Proctorio Flag?
Proctorio can take screenshots of the desktop and detect the total number of monitors the student has connected to their computers. This software can also record web traffic. However, the software will only record such information if the teacher has enabled it in the exam settings. But what is cheating according to this software?
Proctorio uses face-detection, computer monitoring, and gaze-detection to flag students for abnormal mouse movement, head movements, computer window resizing, eye wandering, scrolling, tab opening, copy-paste, typing, and clicking.
So, does proctorio track eye movement? Essentially, proctorio captures head, eye, pacing, mouth movements, and talking to self. Therefore, it can flag the use of a screen reader or any other device.
Among the things that proctorio can flag include:
- Another person’s presence in the exam room
- Using a phone
- Looking down into your lap consistently
- Navigating away from your quizzes
Ideally, this software will flag you if you go against the rules your instructor sets. But some students have disabilities that may show in such activities. As such, they should talk to their instructors about their conditions before the exam.
Can Proctorio Detect Other Devices?
A common question among students whose learning institutions use this software is, can proctorio detect phones. And the answer is yes. Proctorio scans the exam room to see the presence of other people and hardware that a student can use to cheat. This software uses different parameters to detect suspicious activities from a test taker. For instance, one of the requirements for using proctorio is recording your photo. That means nobody else can use your computer or laptop hardware other than the one the program recognizes. Thus, the proctorio will flag the person using the computer as suspicious, if not the one in the program.
What’s more, this program records the student’s voice during the exam. Therefore, you can’t use your voice to exchange exam materials because the program will register and report to the instructor. So, how does proctorio detect phones?
Well, proctorio captures the student’s examination environment. Thus, the software will detect a phone if you hind it behind the computer’s camera. And instructors know that this is a loophole that students can use to cheat.
Another question many students ask is, can proctorio detect HDMI? Being a surveillance program means proctorio scans the computer or laptop to see the connected devices. Thus, this software will detect any hardware you connect to the computer. Therefore, the proctorio will detect HDMI connections if the instructor has enabled this option within the exam settings.
How to Cheat Proctorio
Proctorio is among the best exam surveillance programs. However, it has loopholes that students are using when they know how to cheat on a proctored exam. One of the most common proctorio hacks is using a virtual machine.
This technique entails connecting a virtual machine to the next room and requesting another person to use it to give you answers. Thus, the person in the next room will research solutions to the questions and convey them quickly.
That means the person using the virtual machine will do the work for you. Also, the user will connect the mouse to the virtual machine so that the proctorio software can think that the learner in the camera is the one viewing, clicking, and typing.
But that’s not the only tip on how to cheat with proctorio. You can also place a phone near the keyboard to ensure that the webcam doesn’t see it. Ideally, you position the phone in a way that enables you to see it and the exam questions.
After that, you use an HDMI cable, around 10 meters long, to connect the laptop and the television screen in an adjacent room. That way, another person in the adjoining room can send you the answers through WhatsApp.
How do You Know if Proctorio Flagged You?
You can take a lot of time reading tips on how to cheat on a proctored exam. But you still want to know how to tell that this software has flagged you. This software records your attempt to steal answers. That means it may not monitor the test in real-time. Thus, it only flags you if or when the instructor has reviewed the report later.
Essentially, proctorio won’t indicate that it has flagged you. Nevertheless, the faculty will inform you about the irregularity if the software provides sufficient evidence of cheating. But if the educator activates this option within the exam settings, the program could give you a verbal warning based on the situation’s severity.
Thus, the proctorio will flag you if you continue with suspicious activity. Please note that a flagged exam is not a canceled test. Instead, a flagged exam goes to the supervisor for detailed inspection. The supervisor will send a notification to the test administrator after confirming the cheating activity.
Get Professional Proctored Test Help
Are you worried about an upcoming proctored exam? Even with this guide and advice on how to cheat on proctorio chrome extension, you may lack the confidence to take your online exam. In that case, you might need online test help of knowledgeable and experienced professionals to take this exam and secure the best grades in your class. That’s where our proctored exam experts come in.
We’re a team of skilled experts that know what high school and college educators look for when administering and marking online exams. Our crew will give you perfect assistance even if you don’t know how to tackle your exam and score the top grades. Contact us asking something like, “Can you take my test?”
Our reliable and trustworthy professionals will work closely with you to ensure that you get the top results from your online examination. We have helped many students ace their online tests from all over the world. Regardless of your educational level, whether college or university, we have an expert ready to help you. So, don’t panic about an upcoming online assessment session. Instead, contact us now, and we will be happy to help you!
How to cheat on Proctorio exams?
One of the methods you can use to cheat on the Proctrio test is the virtual machine. For this to work, you will need someone to assist you in cheating, then connect the laptop to one in the next room so that the person helping you sends answers to your phone. But make sure that a webcam does not detect the phone you are using.
Is there a way to cheat Proctorio?
Yes, you can cheat on Proctorio even if you do not have someone to assist you. All you have to do is to use your mobile phone to search for answers when taking the exam. However, note that you might get flagged if the phone is detected, so you must develop strategies to hide the phone.
What can Proctorio not see?
What you should note about Proctorio is that it does not track eye movement like most online exam platforms. However, it can use face detection to warrant that the person taking the test does not look away from the exam for a long time or does something suspicious.