177 Top-Tier International Relations Research Topics

International relations refers to practice and study concerned with the unique relationships existing between different nations and cultures. It is one of the most highly esteemed fields of study, especially with the lucrative job offers that one can land. Nonetheless, you have to write topics in international relations for you to graduate at your college or university level or you can buy homework online.
Although most students perceive this course as easy compared to others, such as law, it has its share of difficulties. First, students will have to be informed on the international happenings and various diplomatic efforts among nations. It is not easy for most students, and thus the task of coming up with international relations research paper topics might be daunting.
So, before your dream of becoming an ambassador comes to reality, have a look at these inspiring international relations topics that our professional writers have put together. You can pick any international relations topics that fit your assignment criteria and proceed to your writing with all confidence.
Table of Contents
- Impressive Research Paper Topics International Relations
- International Relations Theory Research Paper Topics
- Hot International Relations Topics For Research Papers
- Top International Relations Research Questions
- Custom International Relations Paper
- Manageable International Relations Thesis Topics
- Top-Notch International Studies Topics
- International Studies Topics
- Foreign Policy Paper Topics
- International Relations Essay Topics
- Current International Relations Topics
- Inspiring International Affairs Topics
- Political Science Topics in International Relations
- Topics For Research and Writing in International Relations
- Additional Foreign Policy Paper Topics
Impressive Research Paper Topics International Relations
- Discuss the impact of coronavirus restrictions in international relationships
- What is the role of the United Nations in spearheading global unity?
- Explore the effect of the different diplomatic relations among nations
- The contribution of international bodies in fostering global security
- Discuss the threat of terrorism: A case study of the 9/11 terrorist attack in the US
- CondU.S.t an analysis of the global finance chain among different nations
- What factors necessitate the interactions between developing and developed countries?
- The role of nuclear proliferation among various G7 members
- Discuss the essence of human rights in the international arena
- A systematic analysis of the unit-level concepts applied in international relations
- Factors affecting the achievement of sustainable development goals globally
- The role of place sovereignty in the global space
International Relations Theory Research Paper Topics
- Discuss the role of the post-positivist/reflectivist theories
- How the normative theories explain the specific trends existing in the world politics
- Analyze the impact of material forces in the epistemology theory
- How positivist theories replicate the methods of natural sciences in the international arena
- What are the limitations of the realism theory in determining power-seeking rational actors
- The cooperation between states: A case study of the realism theory
- Why the view of states as key actors in the international system is a limitation of the liberalism theory
- Discuss the rise of liberal international relations theory after World War I
- Do states remain cooperative irrespective of relative gains in neoliberalism theory?
- Why it may not be easy to achieve cooperation in the anarchic system of states
- The relative role of material forces in the social constructivism theory
- Evaluate the Marxist and Neo-Marxist theories of international relations
Hot International Relations Topics For Research Papers
- Should the world embark on a disarming mission of nuclear weapons?
- Discuss the role of the Game Theory in determining the vaccine rollout program
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of the Abraham Accords between Israel and Muslim nations?
- Why should the US reconcile its partnerships in the Middle East?
- The effectiveness of the American efforts to speed up plodding Afghan peace talks
- Principles that govern the formulation of international initiatives
- Discuss the impact of conspiracies: A case study of China and the USA
- Should the United States withdraw its forces from Afghanistan?
- How the use of the bioweapons Treaty can help address pandemics
- Review the prominent international relations theorists
- Discuss the consequences of techno-cultural pluralism among nations
- Analyze the Iran nuclear deal and its implications to the global peace security
Top International Relations Research Questions
- How can non-state military strategies help overturn traditional perspectives on warfare?
- What is the impact of countries meddling in the elections of other states?
- How to deal with malicious state behavior in cyberspace
- The role of international security experts in contributing to world peace
- What hurdles does the Iran-Russia cyber agreement pose to the United States?
- The impact of the siege of the US capital on the global democracy
- What is the impact of the revolutionary upheavals at the end of the War?
- The achievements of imperial Russia and imperial Germany
- How has the War on terror affected the security measures of different countries?
- The impact of domestic legislation on international relations
- Discuss the proliferation of the Western culture in the developing nations
- Discuss the trade relations between different nations during the coronavirus pandemic
Custom International Relations Paper
- Is the United States policing the rest of the world?
- Discuss how different nations’ laws related to the international law
- Do some countries in the global arena overstep others, incredibly the least developed?
- To what extent does the development of nuclear power affect foreign policies
- Reasons why China’s growth as an economic power is threatening the United States
- How the unstable world of rapidly shifting alliances involves liberal internationalism
- Discuss the impact of the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union
- The role of geopolitical power in determining foreign policies among nations
- Do the current foreign policies lack strategy, especially in the implementation?
- Why the free movement of people across borders is a hindrance to foreign policies
- How countries use economic, military, and diplomatic power in advancing their global agendas
- Analyze the implications of the Western involvement in Africa
Manageable International Relations Thesis Topics
- The role of ancient tribal traditions and religious beliefs in international relations
- Fundamental causes of political power struggles among African nations
- Efforts made by the UN General Assembly in uniting the world
- Factors that led to the collapse of the Soviet Union
- Is the world still grappling with the cold War, mainly affecting the COVID-19 pandemic?
- The threat of China as a nation to the Western ideals
- Why should international relations scholars use culture to develop or extend their understanding of global politics?
- Discuss the visual, literary, popular, and material factors in international relations
- Evaluate the culture of international relations
- What are the theoretical and methodological approaches underpinning the study of international relations?
- Compare and contrast the foreign policies of the US and China.
- What are the implications of trump’s administration to international relations?
Top-Notch International Studies Topics
- Explore the subject of extremism and religiously-motivated terrorism
- Evaluate the role of religion in driving global, ethnic, and international conflict
- What are the implications of the notions of just war, jihad, and holy War?
- Describe the contribution of religion to international conflict resolution.
- What is the most significant achievement of the United Nations?
- The impact of forming closer political relations between member states
- Discuss how some nations discriminate against others in the formation of relations
- The impact of the increasing E.U. member states
- The most detrimental foreign policies to the unity of the world
- The role of large scale migration from the Middle East to the European Union
- Discuss the immediate aftermath of the World Wars
- The role of coronavirus in fostering recession of the global economies
International Studies Topics
- Discuss the role of the International Criminal Court in maintaining the law
- Investigate the rapid growth of the Chinese economy
- What is the need for the Universal Healthcare program?
- How to achieve inclusive globalization in the world
- An overview of the strategies used in championing world peace
- A report on the development and reconciliation of peace treaties
- What is the role of the U.S. Air force in defeating ISIS?
- The impact of vaccine nationalism in combating the coronavirus
- Global institutions and norms that threaten world peace
- The role of Interpol in combating crimes along borders
- Is it wise to strengthen the U.S.-Taiwan relations?
- Will US-Iran relations improve under Biden’s administration?
Foreign Policy Paper Topics
- Is it possible to strengthen the China-India foreign policies?
- The role of ambassadors in advancing foreign policies between nations
- How ideology affects the formation of foreign policies
- Discuss the American foreign policy about global democracy
- Elaborate on the aspect of isolation in the formation of foreign policies
- How have the gulf war policies affected relations with other parts of the world?
- Discuss the efficacy of the World Health Organization
- Elaborate on the concept of nationalism information of foreign policies
- How is national security a key pillar of information of foreign policies?
- Why countries are having trouble implementing treaties
- Discuss the Latin American foreign policies during the Reagan years
- What is the impact of the US Nuclear War Policy on its foreign relations?
International Relations Essay Topics
- How countries can balance between foreign and domestic policies
- How to craft policies and business solutions to meet the challenges of today and the future
- The place of multinational corporations in the global arena
- Is the international relations curriculum in the US sufficient enough?
- Discuss the factors affecting global and regional trends
- Evaluate geographic regions and their interconnections through political treaties
- Cultural and ethnic affinities affecting globalization
- The impact of hierarchies of power and wealth in international relations
- Discuss the most pressing issues and dynamic world regions today
- The contribution of individual states to international development
- How is international labor playing out in the world?
- The impact of international migration
Current International Relations Topics
- How to technologically change the world through international relations
- A case study of a university’s humanities and social science departments
- How large intergovernmental organizations shape the world
- The social-psychological understandings of the foreign policymaking process
- Barriers to implementing the Arab Gulf reconciliation
- Threats to national defense strategies to the US
- Impact of U.S. China relations dominating the Biden plan
- The effects of state-backed cyber campaigns
- The role of international relations in discrimination against LGBTIQ people
- Why virtual schools may be a hindrance to globalization
- Does social media make the world a global village?
- Discuss the impacts of the first phase of coronavirus on world relations
Inspiring International Affairs Topics
- Blending the fields of economics and history in international relations
- The start of world wars and the maintenance of peace
- Describe the nature and exercise of power within the global system
- The dynamic character of state and non-state actors who participate in international decision-making
- The psychological and social-psychological reasoning behind international treaties
- The institutional processes that contribute to the goals and behaviors of states
- How international relations promote successful trade policies between nations
- The role of IR in encouraging travel and immigration
- How IR provI.R.es people with an opportunity to enhance their lives
- IR in allowing cooperation between nations
- How nations solve global issues through IR
- International relations and pandemics
- IR and human culture
Political Science Topics in International Relations
- The Soviet Union ideology
- Recruiting developing nations
- Chinese communist party
- The IMF structure
- Human rights in Africa
- Causes of global poverty
- The difference in administrative structures
- Causes of Syrian conflicts
- Power battles
- Causes of American Revolution
- Ethics in elections
- Republican traditions
Topics For Research and Writing in International Relations
- Global development policies
- Post-election violence globally
- Common morality
- Corruption in the world
- Global interdependence of modern leaders
- Social movements
- Role of Plato in international relations
- Anarchism history
- Afghanistan conflict
- War crimes
- CAR rebellion causes
Additional Foreign Policy Paper Topics
- African-Americans relations
- Iran oil conflict
- News coverage and I.R.
- Mediation processes and I.R.
- Role of whistleblowers
- The Arctica power distribution
- Collaboration among countries
- Mexico and immigration
- Religion and social power
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What are the topics for international relations?
The topics for international relations are: How will America and its allies benefit from rising China? A look at the Cold War and American hegemony, communication across cultures, Youth Movement Protest- analysis, Should the United States withdraw its forces from Afghanistan? When choosing international relations topics, you should know they are about finding the best solution.
What are the research areas of international relations?
The research areas of international relations are; International Security, International political economy, international Law and Organizations, Foreign Policy Analysis, International Environmental Politics, Global Governance, and International Communication.
What are some examples of international relations?
Some examples of International relations are foreign policy, nuclear proliferation, terrorism, diplomacy, International organization, conflict, Culture exchange, Humanitarian aid, and trade. These topics refer to the interaction and relationship between countries or other factors in the international system.